189 Hammersmith Court
Burlington, ON, L7L 4N4



Category: Environmental

What’s The Buzz All About?

August 29, 2023
Allergies, Environmental

The time of year is coming when the bees start looking for food in order to survive the winter. You will see more and more of them and they may become a little more aggressive now as they prep for winter. When my my father was still alive in his early 80’s, he was stung […]

What is Ragweed?

August 15, 2023
Allergies, Pollens

Ragweed is notorious for causing allergies in many people, but did you know you may also cross-react with sunflower, chamomile, cantaloupes, bananas, watermelon and daisies?  There are several different types of ragweed.   Common Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia): Common ragweed is the most wide spread and well-known type of ragweed. It is native to North America […]

There’s a Fungus Among Us

August 7, 2023
Environmental, Pollens

Mold is a type of fungus that grows quickly in damp/humid environments; such as, basements, bathrooms and areas with water damage.  Mold also loves to grow outdoors when it’s hot and humid, or when there’s lots of rain (like we’ve had this summer).  It can show up at the beach, in the grass, in damp […]

Tips to Improve Ragweed Season

August 20, 2019
Allergies, Environmental

Quote of the month “Happy Ragweed season…aka…sneeze-tember” Ragweed season is upon us again and hopefully you’re not one of those affected. If it’s anything like the trees and grasses earlier this season, look out! As a matter of fact, allergies seem to be getting worse each year. Climate change seems to be a big reason […]

It’s a Ticking Epidemic!

July 3, 2019

Quote of the Month “Tell me what ticks you off and I will tell you what makes you tick” Have you or anyone you know experienced a tick first hand? A few weeks ago I was outside eating my lunch on a curb beside some green space and trees…15 minutes later I returned inside only […]

Collect Your Own Pollen

May 30, 2019
Environmental, General

Quote of the Month “There’s nothing like a warm spring day to remind you to take your antihistamines” Some people think pollen season begins in May. In many places it does. However, some trees actually begin pollinating as early as February or March in some areas. As a general rule, plants that require pollination by […]

Don’t Drink This Water

December 16, 2018
Environmental, General, Nutrition

Quote of the Month “I never drink water because of the disgusting things that fish do in it” In my home, we used to drink tap water. When I was married, 25 years ago, we started to drink distilled water – which we now know to be dead water. It may be okay for detoxing […]

It May NOT be the Ragweed!

September 3, 2018
Allergies, Pollens

Quote of the Month “I wait ages for the weather to get better and when summer gets here, I’m allergic to it” Around this time of year until frost, many people become an allergy magnet. Most of the time, it’s Ragweed — a yellow-flowering weed found along highways, vacant lots and fields. Just one plant can release […]

Implications of Glyphosate

April 8, 2018
Allergies, Chemical, General

Quote of the Month “It’s not the Gluten, it’s the Glyphosate” Yesterday I was watching a FREE online series called The Truth About (Pet) Cancer Series episode 4 They were talking about something called GLYPHOSATE. It was a really powerful episode with lots of information. In particular, this episode applied to humans as well as […]

12 Tips to Survive the Allergy Season

June 4, 2013

12 Tips to Survive the Allergy Season Quote of the Month “Allergy is the cumulative effect of many insults to the body which, over time, have overwhelmed the body’s protective mechanisms.  While dust may appear to be the cause of your runny nose, in reality it is only the TRIGGER that activates the symptoms in […]