Quote of the Month
“This is just a temporary moment in time that we will overcome together”
This has definitely been a crazy month on planet earth! In light of recent events, I’ve been trying to decide what to do for my clients. As of today, my office is still open for people who need to see me; however, I ask the following:
- Anyone who has been away on vacation (symptoms or not), please self quarantine and refrain from booking any appointment with me for 3 weeks
- If you have any symptom of illness at all, I ask that you please reschedule your appointment
- When you’re ready for an appointment during this difficult time, I’m able to help
- support your immune system
- strengthen your respiratory system
- provide services for stress/anxiety management
Please following the following guidelines to “Flatten The Curve”. We all need to play our part:
- Reduce your social contacts – see only a handful of people in your network
- Distance yourself 2 metres from people in shops & supermarkets
- Stop shaking hands or hugging when you say hello
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth
- Wash your hands regularly and practice cough and sneeze hygiene
- Clean and disinfect (see recipe below) frequently touched objects and surfaces
- Check on your vulnerable family members and neighbours
- Work from home where possible
- Obtain your food and essentials online or use delivery services
As a practitioner, here is what I have been doing to maintain a clean working environment:
- sanitizing all door knobs between clients
- sanitizing chairs, desks and massage table
- sanitizing and wash hands between clients
- providing alcohol wipes and sanitizers at the main entrance as well as in the office and bathroom.
- correct hand washing technique has been posted in the bathroom.
- sanitize the merchant machine
- Essential oil diffusing
- I am using a cold laser device without needles for my clients to reduce contact
Here are some other important points to note:
- Anti-bacterials do not kill viruses. Covid-19 is a virus.
- The flu vaccine does not contain Covid-19, so why get it? Some immune systems may become compromised from it.
- Stay properly hydrated! Hydration helps the functioning of your cells. Please use filtered water.
- Take your Vitamin D (and K2) because vitamin D reduces the incidence of respiratory infections (pubmed)
- Consume foods without bar codes that are non-GMO whenever possible
- Don’t eat any form of sugar!!!!
- For other tips refer back to my last Coronavirus post.
Here’s a great homemade natural anti-microbial recipe for you to try out as well:
- 1/2 cup hydrogen peroxide
- 1-1/2 cups water
- 20 drops eucalyptus essential oil
- 10 drops mild thyme essential oil
- 15 drops lemon essential oil
- Measure hydrogen peroxide into a 2 cup container (ideally a spray bottle). Add essential oils. Cover and shake to distribute the oils. Add water. Shake and it’s ready to use.
Alternatively, you can add the essential oils to liquid castile soap and use as a hand soap
Self Quarantine To Do List
Binge [insert your show here]
Do some yoga LIVE from the comfort of your home with my daughter
Start that book you bought 5 years ago
Rack up some much needed nap time
Play some board games
Learn to meditate
Perform all of those tasks you never have time for