189 Hammersmith Court
Burlington, ON, L7L 4N4



I’ve Dropped off the Face of the Earth

Quote of the Month
Did Anyone ever notice that STUDYING is a mixture of STUDY and DYING?

First I have to apologize.  It’s been a few months since I’ve sent out any messages. It’s almost as if I dropped of the face of the earth. However, in my own defence, I have some good excuses…

I was back at school for the past year and a half with everything culminating in April.  My final exams for school were that month and in my infinite wisdom decided to write my Ontario exams at the same time while all the information was still ‘fresh’ in my mind.  I guess it paid off because after 6 weeks of waiting, I found out that I passed my Ontario exam.

If you’re wondering what I was going to school for … it was for Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Acupuncture.

If you’re wondering why… Ontario began regulating Acupuncture in 2013. July 1st 2017 is the cut off day for anyone who wants to continue to be able to practice Acupuncture as a Registered Acupuncturist (R.Ac). If they do not write and pass the exam or supply acceptable school transcripts by then, their licence will expire April  2018.

I’m glad I went to school because you don’t know what you don’t know and now I do (if that makes any sense). Acupuncture is for more than just pain. For example, TCM Acupuncture allows me to diagnose and treat according to TCM things like:

  • the common cold/cough – > helped a teenage client with this back in March
  • acute constipation – > just helped my father with that this weekend!
  • monthly menstrual issues (for all us women out there)
  • menopausal symptoms (men get them too)
  • eczema
  • and much more
  • Of course don’t forget I’m STILL able to help you with your allergies and sensitivities as well – been doing that for over 12 years now!

Needless to say, my stress levels were over the top.  At the start of my last semester hot flashes and night sweats started. The day after I finished my exams, they all stopped.  This is proof positive that the body always has a tipping point and it cannot handle anything else! I guess it’s time for me to use some of that acupuncture on myself to clear out some stress!

Seeing that it’s a Really, Really bad pollen allergy season, I think that there’s a lot of stress going around!

Have a great June, at least the half that’s left!

PS  If you didn’t already know, you’re extended health care plan may cover your acupuncture sessions with me!