189 Hammersmith Court
Burlington, ON, L7L 4N4



What’s The Buzz All About?

The time of year is coming when the bees start looking for food in order to survive the winter. You will see more and more of them and they may become a little more aggressive now as they prep for winter.

When my my father was still alive in his early 80’s, he was stung by 3+ bald-faced hornets. It would’ve been around this time of year.

They made a nest in his camper. He was stung as he was setting up…had no idea they were there. He was reaching his hand/arm into the electrical area when they stung him. It was a nasty reaction. He had a swollen tongue, swollen/itchy armpits and was also very irritable. He never had reactions to any type of bee before in his life! 

Apparently these dudes can be aggressive if their home is threatened.

Well, they certainly were threatened!  First, the nest was in the camper…I’m sure their home would have felt like an earthquake as they drove for 2 hours to the campsite. Second, the bees no longer knew where they were! 

Good thing we were there to help out, because my mom didn’t know what to do. I always had stuff on hand, so I gave him a few things to help until the ambulance arrived. 

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Here’s some interesting info about these guys (at least interesting to me).

  1. They remember the faces of their intruders!
  2. They are not really hornets, but a species of yellowjacket.
  3. They love honey bees.
  4. The Japanese honey bee has learned to survive by surrounding the hornet, vibrating their bodies at a tremendous rate, which increases the hive temperature, therefore killing the hornet.
  5. They have black and white or ivory colouring on their face, thorax, and the tip of their abdomen. Wings are translucent dark brown. 
  6. They can sting repeatedly and also spray their intruder.
  7. Other names for them include white-faced hornet, white-tailed hornet, bald-faced yellow jacket, black jacket, and bull wasp.
  8. They live in social colonies that can contain up to 400 workers – only the queen survives the winter! 
  9. They prey on flies and other yellowjackets.

After all was said and done, I managed to collect a few dead hornets for my allergy work. Even worked on my dad after he recovered.

Here are few energetic frequencies that I have in my office with respect to insects!

Did you know that placing a fresh sliced onion on a bee sting can help to extract the venom and reduce pain???